Eppay Crypto Payment Gateway Documentation


Eppay is a secure crypto payment gateway that allows users to send and receive payments in USDT across multiple blockchain networks. This documentation serves as a guide for users and developers integrating Eppay into their applications.

For Individual Users
  • Create a payment with your desired amount of USDT on our platform.
  • Receive a QR code for the payment and scan it using the Eppay mobile app or any compatible crypto wallet.
  • Confirm the transaction to complete the payment instantly on the blockchain.
For Developers

Developers can integrate Eppay's payment system into their applications using the following steps:

  • Create a product or service requiring payment.
  • Send a POST request to the API to create a payment and retrieve the paymentId.
  • Convert the paymentId into a QR code and display it on the product or service for payment.
  • Receive payment success notifications at the callback URL provided in the request.
API Integration
POST https://eppay.io/generate-code
Content-Type: application/json

    "apiKey": "WlJSciIhgHkUzduirHj2AqIwxFvVGN", //login to eppay.io and create your API key.
    "amount": "1", // amount of USDT
    "to": "0x8AB960B95aCCc5080c15721fdeA30e72C8251F0b", // wallet address of the beneficiary 
    "rpc": "https://chain.scimatic.net", // rpc address of the network. Check here https://chainlist.org/chain/1
    "token": "0x65C4A0dA0416d1262DbC04BeE524c804205B92e8", // USDT token address on the selected network 
    "success": "https://eppay.io/payment-success" // post address that will receive the success message once the payment is successful

Upon a successful request, the server responds with a JSON object containing a paymentId:

    "paymentId": "8a020135-19b7-42df-be4b-1a8722ad0570"

This paymentId should be converted to a QR code and displayed on the product or service to allow the user to complete the payment.

QR Code Payment Flow

Use the paymentId to generate a QR code. Users scan the QR code with their wallet or Eppay app to complete the transaction.

QR Code Payment Flow
Callback Response

Once the payment is successful, the server sends a response to the success URL provided in the API request:

    "success": "success",
    "message": "Payment updated successfully"
Supported Networks
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Scimatic Network
  • Avalanche
  • Polygon (Matic)
  • Ethereum
  • Fantom
  • Arbitrium
  • Cronos
API Call Examples
PHP Example

$apiUrl = 'https://eppay.io/generate-code';
$data = [
    "apiKey" => "WlJSciIhgHkUzduirHj2AqIwxFvVGN",
    "amount" => "1",
    "to" => "0x8AB960B95aCCc5080c15721fdeA30e72C8251F0b",
    "rpc" => "https://chain.scimatic.net",
    "token" => "0x65C4A0dA0416d1262DbC04BeE524c804205B92e8",
    "success" => "https://eppay.io/payment-success"
$options = [
    'http' => [
        'header'  => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n",
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'content' => json_encode($data),
$context  = stream_context_create($options);
$response = file_get_contents($apiUrl, false, $context);
echo $response;

JavaScript Example
const apiUrl = 'https://eppay.io/generate-code';
const data = {
    apiKey: "WlJSciIhgHkUzduirHj2AqIwxFvVGN",
    amount: "1",
    to: "0x8AB960B95aCCc5080c15721fdeA30e72C8251F0b",
    rpc: "https://chain.scimatic.net",
    token: "0x65C4A0dA0416d1262DbC04BeE524c804205B92e8",
    success: "https://eppay.io/payment-success"

fetch(apiUrl, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
    console.log('Payment ID:', data.paymentId);
    // Generate and display the QR code
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
Python Example
import requests
import json

api_url = 'https://eppay.io/generate-code'
data = {
    "apiKey": "WlJSciIhgHkUzduirHj2AqIwxFvVGN",
    "amount": "1",
    "to": "0x8AB960B95aCCc5080c15721fdeA30e72C8251F0b",
    "rpc": "https://chain.scimatic.net",
    "token": "0x65C4A0dA0416d1262DbC04BeE524c804205B92e8",
    "success": "https://eppay.io/payment-success"

response = requests.post(api_url, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
    payment_id = response.json().get('paymentId')
    print('Payment ID:', payment_id)
    # Generate and display the QR code
    print('Error:', response.json())
Get Started
  • Sign up for an account.
  • Create a product or service for payment.
  • Integrate the Eppay API to generate payment IDs and handle payment confirmations.